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United States Court of Appeals
Tenth Circuit Opinions
A project of Washburn University School of Law Library
Now Available: Opinions processed January 23, 2025.
This website provides access to the opinions of the United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit. Coverage begins with opinions filed October 1, 1997.
Access opinions by date opinions are added to this site.
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Please call prompt attention to typographical or other formal errors by notifying United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit, Clerk's Office by phone at 303-844-3157 or by email.
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Please note: The Washburn University Law Library does not have the staff resources to answer questions involving research of legal issues from persons not affiliated with Washburn University. If you have such questions, you may want to go to a law library in your area for additional assistance.
Visit the 10th Circuit web site maintained by the Court for the Court Calendar, rules, the Practitioners' Guide (PDF), and other information.
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